September 29 2002
I`m only reviewing The Cost because thats the only band I saw.
924 Gilman St., Berk.

I`m sorry to say but I only saw The Cost perform tonight, and they did such an awesome job that I had to review them to share the love.

I had yet to see The Cost play. I didn`t even own an album. (I bought their new one tonight, review coming soon. It too, rocks) My good friend Shelly and I arrived to the show late, but had a good excuse. I got a new car today :) We watched a band, whose name I do not remember, they played ok. A very screamy rendition of punk rock. They exited the stage and after a lengthy breakdown and set up, The Cost took the stage. The crowd at 924G was suprisingly small, smallest I think I have ever seen at the venue. This show was so amazing in the fact that, reguardless of the small sized crowd and a suprisingly short set, The Cost rocked my socks off. Now, I have to say, the whole show had a weird vibe to it. Normally at 924G you expect a packed show, a bunch of punkers using eachother as punching bags and most everyone too concentrated on hurting one another then listening to the music. Tonight was much of the contrary. There were a few kids smashing around on one another, not really paying attention to the band. But mostly the crowd being as small as it was was very much lost in the music. I couldn`t help but just think to myself "this is what shows are about." My friend Shelly and I stood there in almost silence (where normally we would make dumb comments on a "hot emo boy" or dance the "white girl jimmy eat world dance") but none of this occured. The Cost played roughly 5-7 songs, which seems normal but it felt like a quick second before they were saying goodnight. For those of you who haven`t heard The Cost they are an indie/screamy/at times may sound like they`re dieing band. But the emotion and energy and just overall awesome stage presence they witheld tonight stunned me. They played their newest song, yet be graced a name, and that was the lowest point in the set. The new song has a different feel to it then the others but you could tell that it needs a bit of work. Not to say it wasn`t great, but it didn`t have the perfected sound as the others did. The new album is amazing and I can`t wait to review it. The show was very excellent and I hope you will all check out the band.
