Localzine: Who is everyone, how old are they, and what do they play?
Ozma: ryen slegr - 23 - vocals / guitar daniel brummel - 21 - vocals / bass star wick - 21 - keyboards pat edwards - 23 - drums jose galvez - 23 - guitar

Localzine: Who are some of your influences?
Ozma: Weezer, The Beatles, The Cars, Big Country, Smashing Pumpkins, Smile, Hum, Nirvana, The Rentals, Supersport 2000, Lush, Morrissey, Blondie, Snoop Dogg, Chick Corea, Rick Springfield, Cyndi Lauper, Elvis Costello, J.S. Bach, nursery rhymes, Russian folk music.

Localzine: If you could play with any band(s), past or present, who would it/they be?
Ozma: the who.

Localzine: What can you guys be found doing after a show?
Ozma: hanging out talking to fans, packing up gear, drinking a beer...

Localzine: Whats in yo cd playa right now

Localzine: How did you guys like touring with weezer?
Ozma: it was very much fun.

Localzine: How did you like being on Warped?
Ozma: warped was also a good time.

Localzine: Whats your favorite place to play a show?
Ozma: LA, San Francisco, Denver, Seattle, NYC, Boston, Canada, Japan...

Localzine: The album fucking rocks! What can we expect from the next one?
Ozma: we are talking to producers now, finalizing recording plans for november/december and expect it to be out in march 2003.

Localzine: When do you plan on coming back to the Bay Area?
Ozma: as soon as possible... probably after we record.

Localzine: Any guilty pleasures?

Ozma: no comment.

Localzine: How do you feel about the music scene these days?
Ozma: in some respects its really good, there are great bands out there making great music. you got to find them. the mainstream is a bit fishy.

Localzine: Favorite food?
Ozma: burritos.

Localzine: Boxers or briefs?
Ozma: either.

Localzine: Favorite bands?
Ozma: locale am, smile, arlo, nada surf, rilo kiley.

Localzine: Any bands you dislike?
Ozma: of course.

Localzine: Top 5 necessities you must bring on tour?
Ozma: toothpaste, clean underwear, cds, sunglasses, pimp mobile.

Localzine: Any bands you want to recommend to us that you dont think get enough reconigition?
Ozma: see above list of favorite bands..

Localzine: Whats the best show you`ve ever played?
Ozma: see above list of favorite cities.

Localzine: Worst show ever played?
Ozma: there are a few that stick out. quite inconsequential really...

Localzine: I`ve seen you guys play live a number of times and you guys are awesome! Whats your favorite part about playing live shows?
Ozma: crowd energy and response. it also helps if the music is really really loud.

Localzine: If you could give any advice to young aspiring muscians what would it be?
Ozma: keep rocking; do what you want to do.

Localzine: Last and most important question of ALL TIME! Who is the pimpest muthafucka of all time!?
Ozma: george bush.


All pictures courtsey of www.ozmaonline.com