TheLocalZine: Who all is in the band, how old are y’all and what do you play?
Alex: I'm 20 and I'm guitar and vocals.
Brian: I'm 21 and I'm bass and vocals.
Kenny: I'm 19 and I play drums.

TheLocalZine: So, where are you from??
Alex: We're originally from concord but we play all over.

TheLocalZine: Where does your name originate?
Alex: It comes from the _expression, "I'm at my WIT'S END".

TheLocalZine: How do you describe your sound?
Alex: If you took Linkin Park, Green Day, Stabbing Westward, Filter, Hum and 311 and put them in a blender that is what we sound like.
Brian: Our sound is the sum of all the music that we have ever listened to. I don't think there is any music we are not influenced by.
Alex: Yeah we're influenced by everything we hear. We all try to keep an open mind to ALL music, because there is something cool to be learned from any style.
Kenny: I think that the three of us all have Green Day and 311 at our core, but since the mid 90's we have expanded our sound by venturing off into different styles.

TheLocalZine: Have any of you ever been in other bands?
Alex: I actually met Brian and Kenny while I was playing in a different band. After a couple practices with Brian and Kenny I fired the other guys I was playing with and WIT'S END WAS FORMED!!!!!!!!!

TheLocalZine: What’s spinnin in yer cd player right now?
Alex: Apex Theory, Linkin Park, Green Day, Crazy Town, Taproot, Brian Setzer.
Brian: Sparta's new cd.
Kenny: Pearl Jam-10, Rage Against The Machine, P.S.D., E-40, Richy Rich.

TheLocalZine: What’s the hippest show you ever played?
Alex: I always think the next show we are playing is gonna be the hippest, because if you have already played your hippest show then why are you still playing?
Brian: (laughs) I remember when we played the Paradise Lounge. We were on the bill with FINGERTIGHT, which was like the biggest local band we knew of, so we expected this giant show. Instead, we played to like 8 people in a tiny upstairs room while most people were there to see the Drag Queen band downstairs on the big stage. We traded sets back and forth with FINGERTIGHT while all the Drag Queens tried to block us out. By the end of the night everyone who hadn't left was just glaring at us, waiting for us to finish. FINGERTIGHT was a totally cool band though, we became good friends after that.
Kenny: WIT'S END has great Oasis shows, shows with pits and diving, lights, girls, the whole bit.

TheLocalZine: What’s your favorite venue to play?
Alex: In terms of kids coming out and rocking, the Oasis and iMusicast. The Grange can be cool too though.
Brian: I think that we enjoy playing anywhere where we make a connection with people. If it were a barn or the Oakland Coliseum, what would matter would be weather or not the audience enjoyed it.
Kenny: Icast and Oasis by far.

TheLocalZine: After a show, what can you be found doing?
Alex: Drinking allot of water. And watching the other bands and talking to the crowd.
Brian: Toweling off the sweat! Then we can be found talking to fans and friends and anyone who approaches us. Also, you'll find us watching the other bands rock out.
Kenny: I really enjoy getting to know the other bands. You can always learn something from hard working people.

TheLocalZine: What are your aspirations for this band?
Alex: Not to sound cliché, but I want WIT'S END to go all the way. Not for the money(although that is a pleasant side-effect), but for the opportunity to play to as many people as possible. There is no better feeling than play to a crowd that is jumping and singing all the words with you. It's better than sex.
Brian: I think my goal is to be on-stage playing music as much as possible. I love making a connection with an audience.
Kenny: I want this band to ready the three of us for stardom. Weather or not WIT'S END goes big, I know the three of us will.

TheLocalZine: Do you have any new releases in the making or that have come out recently? If so, describe it..
Alex: YES! Our new full-length record, "MENTAL CATASTROPHES", is set to come out in late February. We are so excited about it! It is leaps and bounds above anything we have done before.

TheLocalZine: Any guilty pleasures?
Alex: I love comic books and their related figures. I have an ever-growing collection.
Brian: I watch Star Trek. Not new Star Trek. Captain Kirk Star Trek.
Kenny: I have a flagrant disregard for traffic laws. Some people misconstrue this as a disregard for life, but they would be wrong.

TheLocalZine: Are there any not recognized bands you can suggest to the readers or me?
Alex: For sure you should check out NORMAL LIKE YOU, 5606 and SHALLOW. We just started playing with these guys and they're great live.

TheLocalZine: Who would you love to play with (dead or alive) and why?
Alex: Green Day, Stabbing Westward and Brian Setzer.
Brian: I would like to play with Nirvana as they were coming up in the Seattle Local Music Scene. That or the Backstreet Boys, because they could really use me right now.
Kenny: I would love to play with Timberland, The Neptunes, Rage, and the classics like Bach and Beethoven.

TheLocalZine: Any extra info you want to add, or anything you want to tell the readers?
Alex: Don't be afraid to come up and say what up to us at a show! We love meeting and talking to people!
Kenny: It takes money to support local music. When people see a $7 door charge they see themselves being robbed of seven bucks. But in reality the $7 goes into rent of the venue, paying bands, sound engineers, and an unfathomable sea of work. Venues are not trying to get rich off the local scene, they are just trying to get scrape by so that we can keep the local scene alive.

TheLocalZine: And the most important question of them all…. Who is the pimpest mofo in all the land?
Alex: Gandhi.
Brian: Captain Kirk.
Kenny: Hugh Hefner, Bill Gates, Timberland, Steve Jobs, Bill Clinton, Philip Morris. Weather or not you agree with them, they are smart businessmen.

Interviewed by Mel-o-dy